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Nanotechnology to combat COVID-19
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Based on a ground-breaking invention, TiOX Shield (marketed under a different name) has been available in Europe since 2015However, prior to the onset of COVID-19, only a few big companies and the public transport industry understood its importance in protecting their employees and the general public.

The events of 2020 changed everything globally, propelling TiOX Shield into the forefront of providing protective measures in public or sensitive areas. Creating safer environments by decreasing the transmission of pathogens, and even reducing allergens and VOC in the air.

With continuous R&D, the TiOX Shield application method has been perfected to provide an efficient coating and real molecular level bonding to any surface. It has also evolved to now work in total darkness. Even when you turn off the lights for the night, TiOX Shield continues to kill pathogens for hours or even days (depending on the level of contamination).

Now, we are thrilled to provide this potentially life-saving technology to the Australian market. With our European experience, we possess complete know-how and understanding of TiOX coating systems. You can be confident that nothing on the market comes even close to offering the level of protection TiOX Shield can provide.


Keysborough, Victoria

Let's Get in touch

If you have any questions, let us know here or send an email to info@tiox.com.au